How to Get Leads from a Google Form to 365 Lead Management CRM

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How to Get Leads from a Google Form to 365 Lead Management CRM

Step: 1 Web setting

Go to Store “Web Setting" and Click On “Google Form Setting”  then Click On "Generate"
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Web Setting >> Google Form Setting >> Generate API Key

Step: 2 Log into your Google Account

Click On “Google Account”
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Web Setting >> Google Form Setting >> Google Account

Step: 3 Create Form

Required Fields: -
  • Name
  • Mobile
Optional Fields: -
  • Email
  • Address
  • Company
  • Comment
  • Label ( should be Dropdown, CheckBox or Multiple choice and Options name must be same as Lead Label Name )

Note : Except the above field, the extra field will add in the comment.

Create New Form or Use Existing Form
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Web Setting >> Google Form Setting >> Google Account >> Create New Form or Use Existing Form

Step: 4 Add Script

Click on 3 Dots then Go to Script Editor
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Web Setting >> Google Form Setting >> Google Account >> Create New Form or Use Existing Form >> Script Editor

Step: 5 Copy Script From Google Form Setting

Go to Google Form Setting and Copy Script
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Web Setting >> Google Form Setting >> Copy Script

Step: 6 Remove Existing Script and Paste New Script into Script Editor

Go to Script Editor and Paste Script
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Web Setting >> Google Form Setting >> Google Account >> Create New Form or Use Existing Form >> Script Editor

Step: 7 Create a New Deployment

Click on Deploy and Click on New Deployment
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Web Setting >> Google Form Setting >> Google Account >> Create New Form or Use Existing Form >> Script Editor >> New Deployment

Step: 8 Authorize access

Click on Authorize access
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Web Setting >> Google Form Setting >> Google Account >> Create New Form or Use Existing Form >> Script Editor >> New Deployment >> Web App >> Authorize access

Step: 9 Add Trigger

Go to Triggers and Click on Add Trigger
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Web Setting >> Google Form Setting >> Google Account >> Create New Form or Use Existing Form >> Triggers

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